Chapter VI CONFLICT AND PEACE Eph. vi. 10-18; Phil. iv. 7. The title of this chapter presents a contrast, but it is a contrast full of harmony. The Peace and the Conflict of the believing Christian are things intended, in their true idea, not to take each other by turns, but to be intertwined, to bear habitually upon one another, to make the secret of one tenor of life, and that a life of chastened happiness. Let us look into the matter, in a brief study of the conflict and of the peace in question. I. THE CHRISTIAN’S CONFLICT Consider this first, and in the light of the passage quoted at the head of the chapter; with the recollection that it is a subject not only of importance, but of vital importance to every disciple. It is indeed “our life.” 1. The Ephesians passage asks to be read with full remembrance, first of its connexion . Have you ever remarked that connexion? To many readers, I believe, this pictur