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Showing posts from August, 2008

An All Time Favourite: Bridges on the Ministry

May I highly recommend Charles Bridges' volume on the Christian ministry for all interested in that calling. It never ceases to challenge and edify. The Banner of Truth website has the following: Description: One of the best and most comprehensive books ever written on the work of the ministry. The revival of the Church seems to be closely connected with the condition of its ministry. Bridges sub-titled the study of the Christian Ministry, 'An Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency', and, rightly used, it is well suited to promote a faithful and effective ministry. Bridges begins by considering the general and personal cause of ministerial ineffectiveness, and goes on to examine comprehensively preaching and pastoral work. This book was one of the few which the godly Robert Murray M'Cheyne took with him to the Holy Land, and, in its field, it is without an equal. Charles Bridges (1794-1869) was one of the leaders of the Evangelical party in the Church of Engla

His Cross and Ours

The following is the bulk of my sermon today from Galatians 5:24. The stuff about Bishop Moule will be no surprise for readers of this blog! One my heroes for the last 30 years has been Bishop Handley Carr Glynn Moule, born in Dorsetshire, in 1841, and died in Cambridge, in May of 1920. The son of an Anglican priest - who, by the way, was of French extraction; his mother was Welsh - he became the dean of Trinity College, Cambridge, the first president of Ridley Hall, Cambridge - which is where I would have liked to have studied if I had done my schooling in England. A friend of mine is currently studying there, and I'm a bit envious of that. Eventually Moule was consecrated the Bishop of Durham, following on the heals of two other great Bishops of Durham, J. B. Lightfoot, and B. F. Westcott, both of whom remain still today, like Moule, giants in New Testament studies. Though raised a Christian, it was not until September the 18th, of 1884, that Moule seems to have gone through

Neither Here Nor There

In the path of duty, many of us have left behind lovely places with artistic elements which inspired our worship. One year, Boswell wished to be able to visit London that he might worship at St. Paul's Cathedral, as had been his wont annually at Easter. However, this year he could not afford it. Johnson's comment to Boswell on the matter was written as follows: "Your last reason [for wanting to come to London] is so serious that I am unwilling to oppose it. Yet you must remember that your image of worshipping once a year in a certain place, in imitation of the Jews [Boswell had said it was like going up to Jerusalem], is but a comparison; and simile non est idem [the likeness of something is not the same thing as itself]; if the annual resort to Jerusalem was a duty to the Jews, it was a duty because it was commanded; and you have no such command, and therefore no such duty. It may be dangerous to receive too readily, and indulge too fondly, opinions from which, perh

The Shack Book

Well, here's my 2 cents. Overall, I liked The Shack and would recommend it, not so much for a study in theodicy as an example of how the imagination can be used to communicate truth. At the same time, I do believe it is good for those who are hurting and concerned with the "why?" question. I admit that when I first heard that God the Father is represented as a black "mammy" (I love classic black mammy's by the way) I was a bit put off because of the gender issue. Having now read the book, I realise that he is not trying to advocate a feminist position. Instead, he abides by the patriarchical revelation. Even as a "mammy," he (she?) is still called "Papa." Once the main character is emotionally able to respond to the Father as a father, The Father is represented in a pretty mocho male fashion. I do have a serious problem with his blanket denunciations of hierarchy and "institutions." Young obviously needs some tutoring in t