A very important question. Only those who are God’s people, united with Christ, will live with him in the new world to come. I answer the simple question with another simple question: What did Jesus say? "All who come unto me, I will in no wise cast out. Whoever believes in me has everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day." If we have put all our trust for all we need to be a saint in Jesus Christ and all He has done for us and all he does for us and all he will do for us - if we have put all our trust in Him as the trustworthy God who cannot lie - then we have all the assurance we need. If we have not so believed in Him, then we are in grave danger. We are not saints. God has done everything that needs to be done to make us saints through His Son. The ball is now in our court. Will we have Him as our King and Saviour? If so, we have but to receive Him. If we do, we may rejoice in our union with the blessed company of all faithful people, and w