I have received my copy of Reasons for Loving the Episcopal Church , by the Rt. Rev. William Meade, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Virginia, Pub'd by the PESPEK, (1858). The Table of Contents is as follows: I. Brief History of the P. E. Church II. Principle on Which the Reformation was Conducted III. Worship of the Church IV. Doctrine of the Church V. Discipline of the Church VI. The Church not Perfect APPENDIX. Showing that the English and Continental Reformers were perfectly agreed as to the principle on which the Reformation was conducted. The first chapter covers the history of the CofE from the New Testament era to the reign of EI, with brief mention of the CofE in America. I am skipping this chapter for now and have scanned the second. Right now I'm thinking I'll eventually scan the whole booklet (52pp) into a .pdf or some such and have a link on my blog so you can download it. Because of the holiday, I'm going to have to pos