An excerpt:
Fourth, today, there is a great deal of talk about social inclusion and community cohesion. But surely we must go beyond inclusion and cohesion to a vision of true humanity as we see it in the face of Jesus Christ. We, as citizens of this nation, must agree to build our dwelling tent together.
The history of this great nation and the experience of two World Wars teaches us that nationhood is made of contributions of all and not claims. Active participation and engagement, not rights. What we offer willingly and not what we demand. Together we can make a Britain in which many minority ethnic people will feel it is their dwelling tent too – without making the indigenous population feel that this is no longer the Britain of their fathers.
I believe we should talk more about the common good and the values that have shaped this nation and less and less about multi-culturalism and cultural diversity. Let us resolve to love our neighbour as ourselves; and to do to others as we would want them
I like this. The full sermon.
If the leaders of England (and the U.S.) want world peace, they should talk less of toleration (contrary to what the Queen did today) and more of the change that Jesus can bring into the hearts of those set upon their sinful and heretical ways. Peace in a FALLEN earth comes through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. The whole idea of getting along with people is a Christian idea.