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Showing posts from November, 2009

Benedict XVI on Justification by Faith

Protestant friends, there's much about the Roman church I still cannot go along with, but this is HUGE! Read these two "Audiences" by Benedict XVI and tell me how you can disagree with them. From my reading, his teaching is right in line with what Protestants typically say when trying to understand Paul's issue in Romans, how grace and law relate in Galatians, and how Paul and James are talking about the same saving faith, only in different ways. 19 November, 2008 26 November, 2008 Well, yes, I'm a year behind on this!

The Feast of All Saints

The Epistle Revelation vii. 2f. This day is the feast of All Saints. Be sure to emphasize the word “all”. It as a time to remember a particular aspect of the identity that all Christians share. All believers are saints and we are part of the body of the saints of all time. We are one “communion of saints”. Through our union with Christ by God’s grace, we all share the same divine life, be we saints who have already gone before, those alive today, or those who have yet to be born. And this is the rationale for the Book of Common Prayer setting before us on this day Chapter 7 of the Revelation to St. John. In this chapter, we find insight into what a saint is and what a saint does. After all friends, it does us no good to know that Christians are saints if we don’t know the point of it all. We need to be always growing in our understanding of all the great blessings that are ours in Christ and being a saint is one of those blessings. So, what is a saint The words for saint in ...