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The Primates Communique

I would say that for the most part I am disappointed. The General Convention of 2006 seemed clear enough to me. The September deadline for TEC to make plain her response to Windsor is a good thing; but it will be devastating for orthodox Anglicans around the world if more equivocation is accepted by the Primates from TEC. The Archbishop of Canterbury is trying to use all his genius to keep TEC in the Communion, but, because of the issue of Truth which is at stake, he is at the same time driving individuals and churches out of the Communion.
The doctrine of TEC is plain and their persecution of the believing is public. PB Schori's statements have been forthright. There is really no reason for not taking action against open heresy if the Church believes the Faith, once delivered to the saints, is the pearl of great price. There was another way of dealing with the current state of affairs that could have been taken and that would have been healthier, if there had only been an Archbishop of Canterbury with the will to make it happen.
Of course, being in the EMC, this stuff does not affect me as much as it does others. But we are still Anglicans and we want to see the Communion as a whole stay true to the Faith. Many of us really care about there being a faithful American province in our country again and would like to be part of it.
Now we wait for September. God help us.


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