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Wanted: An Old Fashioned Church

My bishop just sent this to me. Worth the read. It's on Ingrid Schlueter's blog, "Slice of Laodicea" (see my links). She's a great lady. Read the article here.


Gil & Dennis said…
That's a great link. Thanks.

We were in a "continuing" Anglican church for a time before moving and certainly see what you mean about the beauty of the worship. Thanks for the blog, happened to stumble across it and be intrigued by your PCA background.

We're "Reformed" in the sense of J.I. Packer and were a bit conflicted to be in a small parish that wasn't too friendly to a "Reformed" leaning. Guess there's a split in continuing Anglicanism on that, too.

Now in a new place with no "continuing" option and it's either to the OPC or PCA, which is certainly fine, but we'll miss the 1928 PB. If you came out of the same PC in America I'm thinking of, any thoughts you'd like to share on reconciling some of that "Reformed" tension? We'd be open to a church plant but given our "Reformed" leaning, not sure if REC or others would be best to contact. Might not be an option, though, haven't really come across anyone who left TEC in this area.

I can leave an email if more helpful. Checking the box for that purpose! Thanks.
Dennis, I've received the e-mail you mention and will answer from that. The term "Continuing Churches" tends to refer to those Episcopalians of Anglo-Catholic persuasion (St. Louis Affirmation) which left ECUSA in the 1990's. The REC would not be a "continuing Church." Nevertheless, time changes things. There are people in the Continuing Churches that are more Evangelical or Reformed but have found their home in a continuing Church because of certain circumstances.
Gil & Dennis said…
As I said in a separate email, "thank you." I probably used the word "continuing" in a somewhat imprecise way, but you answered the question nonetheless.

I also recently saw a discussion of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer that helped me understand how certain theology has evolved (and why a local parish we attended would be more sympathetic to Dr. Toon than Dr. Packer).

That's a bit off-topic, but it helps me understand why one "old fashioned church" contains relatives who are "close" in ways and "distant" in others.

No need to reply. Thanks again for your blog, including this recent comment of yours: "Practically speaking, this means that our conversations with those we seek to bring to our church will be more of Christ than Anglicanism. Our passion will not be so much that people will want to join and become Anglican, but that people will know Christ."

That no doubt could apply to a few other "-isms," so thank you again.

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