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The Name Above All Names

On this day, the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, the Epistle reading in the American Prayer Book (1928) is that famous passage from Philippians 2, where we read that, at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord.  

In the Jewish tradition, a child is named at his circumcision (which is why Christians traditionally name their children at their baptism).  Thus, Mary's child was given the name Jesus on this day - but what a picture!  The name given on this day is the name of him who would save his people from their sins.  It is the name of the promised King.  It is the name before which everyone - and that means everyone - will bow and confess that he is indeed Lord of all.  

When Jesus was circumcised, he - as in his baptism - fulfilled all righteousness and was made like his brethren.  He continued his act of humility, becoming another son of Abraham, a member of his own covenant with Abraham centuries before.  Yet, in this humble act, he takes on his name; that name full of his mission and his destiny.  A name that would hold more glory than any name a man ever held.

The traditional Epistle reading for this day was from Romans 4.  I rather like this one from Philippians 2.  Don't you?



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